Our Story
Sitting down, tea in hand, laptop in front of me and my nearly 14th month son playing away with his cars. I am here to write why I started this business. All that crosses my mind is where do I even start?
Well, Hi! My name is Miranda, I am a wife, a mother and I have a short story to tell about how I got here.
My husband and I got married in 2013, since the first day of our honeymoon we tried day in and day out to have the wonderful news to tell our parents that we were expecting. Being a mother is something I had dreamt of since I was a child. I just KNEW it was for me. A year later our excitement turned into worry. Maybe something was wrong? We started our fertility treatments at a clinic near by. Everyday morning visits before work and endless failed attempts. Being a woman, this failure weighs down on you. It hurts your soul and you feel defeated. I had fallen into a real slump, depressed, and not pleasant to be around. This is when a dear friend of mine invited me to a class on essential oils. Already paying an arm and a leg for our fertility treatments I was weary of going all in on these little witchy bottles. I ended up purchasing one bottle that was said to ease my mind, and help calm my nerves. This little bottle worked wonders, I was sleeping and feeling more relaxed which lead me to start building my collection. I had decided to take the summer off the clinic and just take care of myself. We booked many trips up north that summer and enjoyed our time together. I was almost nervous about re starting treatment, scared I would fall into this world of negative thoughts again. October we went back. No expectations, relaxed, and healthy. That was the month. October, I was pregnant!
I couldn’t have been more thankful for this oil collection I was building during my pregnancy. I couldn’t even tell you how much they helped me, and in so many different ways. I was definitely going to be having an oil baby!
Unfortunately I had to leave work a couple months early on medical leave and this is where it starts…
Being stuck at home, bored and pregnant what is a girl to do? I started researching ways to diffuse essential oils and keeping them on your person all day. Aromatherapy bracelets! I started by ordering lava beads.
What are lava beads? Lave stones come from the core of the earth fiery brimstone that bubbles to the surface and cools. Once the stone is cool, it becomes porous and black. Lava is a grounding stone, wonderful for calming the emotions; with the help of essential oils this makes one very powerful stone.
The beading has begun.
On July 23rd 2016 at 6:17am I met the littlest love of my life. His name was Xavier and he weighed a big 9.5lb. Bringing him home from the hospital is almost a new kind of fear. Not only the fear of what on earth am I doing? But the fear of making sure he is as healthy as possible an overbearing, protective mother feeling. Hormones of course!
I started reading the bottle of body wash, body lotions; diaper creams…wow that was scary! I didn’t even know half the ingredients I was about to put on my new born, fresh to the world son.
I wanted him to have the best start to life possible! So I started researching organic ingredients that I could substitute for these very necessary day to day products. Before I knew it I had my own organic baby line made with therapeutic grade essential oils. The best of the best! I felt my mind was put at ease. I saw first-hand how these products were helping Xavier’s baby skin and a thought crossed my mind. Hey other moms should be using this stuff too! My dream was to always be there for him, raise him myself and be a full time mom. After debating back and forth if it was really worth starting my own business with a new born at home I decided to go for it. First I decided on my company name. It didn’t take much thinking. A saying my mother and the three of her girls (I have two younger sisters) “I love you to the moon and back” said nightly. It was perfect. To The Moon And Back.
I would work while Xavier slept, if he slept. Let’s be real. That’s a little touch and go sometimes. All in all we made it work. I started my business and watched it grow. The amount of support from my family and friends really kept me motivated, and excited to see where this new adventure would take us.
To The Moon And Back now sells, Gemstone Aromatherapy Bracelets and Organic Products for Adults and Children.
I absolutely love what I do, I love learning more and expanding, I love working from home and having the time for my son and family. I love helping others find what they are looking for. I love hearing from you, all of you, to see what you are in need of, I would love to help in any way that I can.
Send me your questions, about essential oils, my organic products and or my crystal healing bracelets.
Everyone has a story. This was just a little clip of mine.
Love Miranda